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Company Profile

J K Wire Netting Industries is a manufacturer of high quality wiremesh, filter cloth, screen cloth, perforated sheet, perforated plate, demister pad, metallic & wiremesh conveyor belt, chain link fencing, filters and filtration solutions.

1976Mr. Bhikam Chand Nagpuria and his son Mr. Jagdish Prasad Nagpuria started our business as trading firm of wire mesh and perforated Sheets
1987Started our first production unit of Wire Mesh with five Franz Irmischer's Weaving Looms
1999Wider looms were procured for production of wire mesh with bigger widths
2003Firm was restructured with induction of 2nd generation of partners Mr. Sanjay Nagpuria and Mr. Ashok Kumar Nagpuria
- Second Production Unit with 21600 Sqft production area acquired.
- Production of Screen Cloth, Perforated Sheet Metallic Conveyor Belts started.
2004Production of Demister Pad Started
- ISO 9001:2000 certification received for production process
2005Production of Screen Assembly Looms and Crimping Machine Started
2006First Screen Assembly Loom and Crimping Machine Exported to UAE.
2007Production of Architectural Mesh Started.
2009Execution of First Architectural Mesh Order to highly competitive European Market.
- Import of more European looms for production.
2010Increase of Production Capabilities of Perforated Sheets and Screen Cloths
2016Import of more German Looms of Production of Wiremesh.


We have work force of forty eight professionals.


We have production facilities at two places. One at Belur another at Liluah (both suburbs of Kolkata)


We are ISO 9001:2015 certified with JAS-ANZ
We are registered MSE - Manufacturer
We are registered NSIC - Manufacturer